Our 4th Annual WOT Championships in the books!
Congratulations to the NBT team on your stellar performance at the 2019 WOT Championships! HUGE thanks to all the volunteers, referees,...
REMINDER: Color Belt Testing is set for Thursday Jan 31st at 530pm. Feb 1 Friday we will have regular schedule. **Please have forms...

Call or visit Little Caesar's Pizza located on Elliot and Alma School and receive FREE Crazy Bread with ANY PIZZA PURCHASE! Show this...

Raffle Winners!
Raffle winners announced!!! Grand Prize WINNER: Mrs. Everson $100 gift card: Gladys Calaro Limited Edition Tee: Sonya Hutchinson Team...

National Team Training Exchange
National Team Training Camp/USA vs MEX Friendship Games Aug 17-19, 2018 Dallas, TX Thank you GM Inseon Kim for the great opportunity and...

National Team Fundraiser
Let's get together and help support our NBT athletes on the US National Team! Aaron Pham's Donation Site https://www.gofundme.com/Aaron-t...

Nationals is a WRAP!
2018 US Nationals is a wrap!! NBT wins 7 National Champion Titles and 2 spots on the US National Team! Day 7 - Grace Tinker wraps up 2018...

Road to Nationals
5 weeks until Nationals🏆 With over 25 NBT athletes/families traveling to Salt Lake City we are asking for support in order to help fund...

Home from El Paso!
Congrats Team NBT on all the medals earned at the International Showdown in El Paso, TX!

Back from President's Cup!
NBT bringing hardware home from World Taekwondo President’s Cup Las Vegas, NV USA! 🏆The g-2 world ranking event included fighters from...